The Women's Auxiliary

The Women's Auxiliary

From the Executive Board:

The goal of the Women’s Auxiliary of the GMBA is to promote the cause of Christ through missions and education.  Included under the umbrella of this organization is the Young Woman’s Auxiliary.  Our purpose is to promote a collaborative effort with member churches and to serve as an integral part of the Great Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Association.

The Woman’s Auxiliary asks for your much needed prayer and support as we continue to move forward into the new year.  John C. Maxwell, author of “The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player” asserts that “successful people understand that attitude is a choice- and that includes enthusiasm”.  We embrace John’s theory to be excited about the work of God and to believe in what we do and focus on those positive things.  Yes we can and we know that God will honor our labor; it is not in vain.

Please take the time to review our  2017 Woman’s Auxiliary Calendar of Events.  The programs and activities contained therein are designed to uplift, motivate and encourage the Body of Believers to do His will through Evangelism, Missions and Outreach.


Rev. Gayle Coker 
Trinity Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Cynthia Walters
1st Vice President
Zion Baptist Church
Sis. Stephanie Duncan
2nd Vice President
Saint John Baptist Church
Sis. Felicia H. Daniels
Recording Secretary
Greenview First Baptist Church
Sis. Karon L. Rapley
Assistant Secretary
Bethlehem Baptist Church
Rev. LaShonda Hayes
Corresponding Secretary
Ridgewood Baptist Church
Sis. Mildred Norris
Financial Secretary
Brookland Baptist Church
Sis. Alma Barnes
Union Baptist Church
Sis. Brenda Clark
Zion Baptist Church
Rev.  Dr. Marie Burkins
Zion Canaan Baptist Church
Rev. Dee Dee Samuel
YWA President
Ridgewood Baptist Church
Sis. Loureatha L. Pittman
Immediate Past President/Courtesy & Benevolence
Zion Chapel #1 Baptist Church
Sis Jessie Chandler
Calendar Coordinator
Zion Canaan Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Lillie A. Burgess
College Campaign
Ridgewood Missionary Baptist Church
Sis. Helen C. Schumpert
President Emeritus/Music
Mt. Zion Chapin Baptist Church
Sis. Betty F. Young
Vice President Emeritus/Nominating Committee
Zion Canaan Baptist Church
Sis. Odessa Hawkins
Courtesy & Benevolence
Greenview First Baptist Church
Sis. Wanda Turner
Saint John Baptist Church 
Sis. Jacqueline Williams
Ministers’ Wives & Widows
New Dimensions Baptist/Zion Chapel Baptist – Reeder Point
Sis Sherry Moore
Zion Baptist Church
Sis. Metheria Livingston
Gunters Chapel Baptist Church
Sis. Delores B. Scott
Health & Wellness
Zion Baptist Church
Sis. Anjanette President
Second Calvary Baptist Church
Sis. Shelia Harris
th District Representative WEMC
New Dimensions Baptist/ Zion Chapel Baptist -Reeder Point   
Dr. LaTanya Wright
YWA Advisor
Brookland Baptist Church
Paulette Goodwin 
Zion Canaan Baptist Church
Belinda Bowman
Union Baptist Church  
Aubra Lewis 
First Calvary Baptist Church
Katrina Pitts
Little Zion Baptist Church
Anna Reeves
Zion Canaan Baptist Church
Cheryl Myrick
First Calvary Baptist Church

Always in His Service,

Sis. Jesse L. Chandler 2nd Vice President

Sister Jesse H. Chandler