2017 Women’s Calendar

2017 Gethsemane Women’s Calendar


1                           New Year’s Day

3-4                       Baptist E&M Convention of SC Session
Seneca River Baptist Ass. Conf. Ctr.
298 S. Popular Street; Seneca, SC

14    8:30a            Christian Education Workshop
Benedict College; Columbia, SC

14   9:00a            GWA & YWA Annual Planning Meeting
Second Nazareth Baptist Church
2336 Elmwood Ave. Columbia, SC

14                        Pastors’ Breakfast (PTBA)

9-12                     NBCUSA, Inc. Mid-Winter Session
Birmingham, AL

16                        Martin Luther King Day

16-20                   PNBC Mid-Winter Annual Session,
Virginia Beach, VA.

21   11:30a         United Negro College Fund Luncheon
Central Baptist Church
3625 Clement Road; Columbia, SC

27   10:30a          Church Women United Luncheon (CWU)
Brookland Banquet & Conference Center

29    3:00p           Gethsemane Youth Crusade
Zion Chapel #1 Baptist Church

February          Black History Awareness

4     8:30a            Baptist E & M Congress VBS Training,
Benedict College; Columbia, SC

7     6:00p            GYWA Presidents Only Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church

11   11:00a         GWA Red Dress/Bowtie Luncheon
Ridgewood Missionary Baptist Church
5326 Ridgeway Street, Columbia, SC

17                         Morris College Mid-Winter Rally & Banquet

18                        State Woman’s, YWA & Youth Planning
Meeting Morris College, Sumter, SC

27-Mar. 1            NBCA Mid-Winter Board & Mini Congress,
Albuquerque, NM


1-3                       Gethsemane Baptist Association Workshops
        6:00p           Greater St. Luke Baptist Church
M. L. Smith Community Development Center
5213 Farrow Road; Columbia, SC

3     10:30a          CWU World Day of Prayer
Trinity  Episcopal Cathedral
100 Sumter  St.

7     6:00p            GYWA 1st Quarterly Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church

11                        Benedict College Campaign Pooling
Ridgewood Missionary Baptist Church

16                        Benedict College Founders Day Convocation
and Half Century Club Induction

18                        Benedict College Founders Day Rally

20-23                   Benedict College Dimensions in Meaning Wk.

25   8:30a            State Congress Sunday School
Workshop, Benedict College

26   9:00a            Baptist E&M Youth Planning
Meeting and Retreat

11:00a                 Miss SC Youth Pageant

Morris College; Sumter, SC

28   6:00p            GWA Executive Board Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church


8   8:30a              State Congress Youth Workers & Summit
Benedict College; Columbia, SC

8   1 :00p             State Woman’s Baptist E & M Convention
Annual Rainbow Tea; Welfare Baptist Church
2106 Bolt Drive; Belton, SC

8   11:00a            CWU Spring Luncheon
Seven Oaks Presbyterian Church
530 St. Andrews Road; Columbia, SC

16                        Easter Sunday

29   9:00a           GYWA Prayer Breakfast; New Laurel Street

30   3:00p           Gethsemane Youth Extravaganza &
Mary L. Neal Scholarship Program
Second Nazareth Baptist Church
2336 Elmwood Avenue; Columbia, SC


1-5                       139th Baptist E&M Convention and its
                             Auxiliaries Annual Session of SC,
                             Morris College, Sumter, SC 

1-2                       E&M Baptist Brotherhood Convention

5      10:30             CWU May Friendship Day
Reid Chapel AMC Church
704 Gabriel Street, Columbia, SC

6                           Morris College Commencement Exercises

13                        Benedict College Commencement Exercises

14                         Mother’s  Day

15-18                   98th Annual Session of the Gethsemane
                             Woman’s Convention
                             Bethlehem Baptist Church
                            1028 Eastman Street
                           (see outline for details)

20   3:00p            Gethsemane Youth Crusade,
St. James, Hopkins, SC

27 –  29                 Ministers & Christian Workers’ Conference
Benedict College, Columbia, SC

30                         Memorial Day


6     6:00p             GYWA 2nd Quarterly Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church

11                        Children’s Day/Baptist Youth Day of Prayer 

12-16        129th  Woman’s Baptist E&M Convention
                             and its Auxiliaries;
                             First Nazareth Baptist Church
5351 Gervais Street; Columbia, SC

17                        Gethsemane Brotherhood,
Annual Gathering of the Men, (PTBA) 

18                        FATHER’S DAY

19-23                   NBCUSA, Inc. 112th Congress of Christian
Education Annual Session; St. Louis, MO

25-July 9             GWA Kenya Mission Trip

26-30                   NBCA and its Auxiliaries, Congress of
Christian Education, Kansas City, MO


4                           Independence Day 

8   9:00a              GYWA Prayer Breakfast
Ridgewood Missionary Baptist Church


9-14                     111th SC Baptist Congress of Christian
                             Education Annual Session;
                             Sumter High School,
                             2580 McCray’s Mill Rd.; Sumter, SC

9                           C. O. Jackson Oratorical Contest; Theme
                             2016 Emphasis –Worship that is
                             Authentic/Real Worship


16-19                   Young People’s Christian Assembly (YPCA)
Benedict College (Ages 12-18)

22 – 23                GWA & YWA
Annual Retreat (PTBA) 

30   3:00p            Youth Department Planning Session
No Youth Crusade 

August               Back To School

4-5                       Gethsemane Youth Retreat
White Oak Conference Center
633 Mobley Hwy; Winnsboro, SC 29180

6-11                     PNBC Annual Session, Congress and its
Auxiliaries; Houston, TX

13                        Gethsemane Baptist Association Day

23   6:00p            GWA Executive Board Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church

28                        E&M Baptist Day Fund Reporting (PTBA)


4-8                       NBCUSA, Inc. 137th Annual Session
and its Auxiliaries; Cincinnati, OH

5     6:00p            GYWA 3rd Quarterly Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church

9     9:00a            GWA Presidents Breakfast
Gunter’s Chapel Baptist Church
1631 Windover Street; Columbia, SC

10                         National Grandparents’ Day 

10-15                   NBCA Annual Session and its Auxiliaries
Louisville, KY


6   10:30a            CWU Human Rights Celebration (PTBA)

6    7:00p             GYWA Inspiration Night (PTBA)

16-20                   SESQUICENTENNIAL
                             Gethsemane Baptist Association
                             and its Auxiliaries Annual Session
                             Saint John Baptist Church
                             3404 W. Beltline Blvd., Columbia, SC 

20   7:00p           Sesquicentennial Banquet (PTBA) 

29   3:00p            Gethsemane Youth Crusade
St. Paul Baptist Church
606 W. Main Street; Lexington, SC


3    10:30a            CWU World Community Day
Haskell Heights First Baptist Church
1231 Blue Ridge Terrace; Columbia, SC

3    7:00p              E&M Congress 24th Annual Awards
Banquet, Brookland Banquet Center

4                           Congress 32nd Annual One Day Session/Board
Meeting and N. J. Brockman Oratorical Contest
Brookland Baptist Church; W. Columbia, SC

6      7:00p           Baptist Women World Day of Prayer
&  Morris College Campaign (PTBA)

17                        Morris College Harvest Festival Rally & Services 

18                        Gethsemane Annual One Day Session
Morris College Pooling of Funds


5     6:00p            GYWA 4th Quarterly Meeting
Saint John Baptist Church

12   5:00p           GWA Executive Board Meeting (PTBA)                                    

25                        CHRISTMAS DAY 

26                        Woman’s Baptist E & M Convention
One Day Session (PTBA)


2nd Mon.  6:00p  GYWA Alston Wilkes Boys Home Visit

2nd Tues.  6:00p Gethsemane Youth Supervisors
Saint John Baptist Church

3rd Wed.  6:00p  G YWA Ministry at Walters’
Retirement Home; Duke Ave.

4th Sat.   8:00a    GYWA Hope Ministry;
Second Nazareth Baptist Church

4th Sat.   10:00a  Baptist Ministers Wives & Widows
Alliance of Greater Columbia and Vicinity

How to Contact Your Officers

President……………….. Sister Jessie H. Chandler…………. 754-1656

1st V. President……….. Sister Loureatha Pittman…………. 754-8397

2nd V. President………. Rev. Gayle Coker……………………. .795-9536

Rec. Secretary……….. Rev. Dr. Cynthia Walters…………. 754-1591

Asst. Secretary………. Sis. Wanda Turner………………….. 788-4894

Cor. Secretary………… Sis. Florist Bowman…………………. 765-1136

Fin. Secretary…………. Sis. Stephanie Duncan……………. 788-3571

Treasurer……………….. Sis. Josephine Watson……………. 788-3159

Mission Inst……………. Rev. Gayle Coker……………………. 795-9536

Historian…………………. Rev. Elizabeth Wine………………… 735-1918

Parliamentarian………. Sis. Johnnie Hartley…………………. 479-2604

Chaplain…………………. Sis. Melva Jeffcoat…………………… 732-1640

YWA President………. Sis. DeAnne Moore…………………. 261-5036


President……………….. Sis. Helen C. Schumpert…………. 254-8925

1st V. President……….. Dr. Gladys B. Goforth………………. 256-8105

1st V. President……….. Sis. Frances C. Fields………………. 787-8361

2nd V. President………. Sis. Betty F. Young………………….. 736-6484 

Immediate Past President

Rev. Dr. Lillie A. Burgess……………………………………………. 553-0393 

Other Local Baptist Leaders

Moderator of Gethsemane Baptist Association

Rev. Dr. Jamey O Graham, Sr……………………………….. 462-6786

Gethsemane Executive Administrator

Sis. Sheila Harris…………………………………………………….. 463-8100

Youth Department President

Rev. Abraham Salley………………………………………………. 422-2996

Youth Department Vice President

Sis. Charlene Williams…………………………………………….. 220-9148

Youth Department Youth President

Sis. Indya Woods……………………………………………………. 665-0161


State Baptist Leaders

President of Baptist E&M Convention of SC

Dr. James Blassingame………………………………………….. 803-931-8811

President of Woman’s Baptist E&M Convention

Sis. Audrey Neal…………………………………………………….. 803-256-6250

President of YWA Baptist E&M Convention

Sis. Keshia McCleave…………………………………………….. 803-417-0649

Director Youth Department of Woman’s Convention

Sis. Shawn Williams……………………………………………….. 864-993-3294

President of SC Congress of Christian Education

Dr. Toney C. Parks…………………………………………………. 864-350-8409

President of Benedict College

Dr. David H. Swinton………………………………………………. 803-705-4681

President of Morris College

Dr. Luns C. Richardson…………………………………………… 803-775-9371