156th Annual Session – October 16-19, 2023

Saint John Baptist Church, 3404 West Beltline Boulevrd, Columbia, South Carolina 29203

The Annual Gethsemane Baptist Association will take place October 16th – 19th at Saint John Baptist Church, 3404 West Beltline Blvd., Columbia, SC, with services at 7:00pm nightly. The sessions will include a welcome night on Monday evening, the Congress night on Tuesday evening, the Woman’s Auxiliary night on Wednesday evening and conclude with the Moderators night on Thursday.  The Morris College Gospel Choir will be performing on Moderators Night.

Reverend Dr. Walter Butler is the moderator of the Association, and this will conclude his tenure. He has led the association since 2019. At the conclusion of the session there will be a new Moderator and Executive Board installed to serve for the next four years.

The Gethsemane Association consists of the Parent Body of churches, the Congress of Christian Education which has a dean and staff, the Woman’s Auxiliary, and the Youth Department. These departments work together to provide biblical instruction and training, missions, and outreach along with scholarships for young people.

For more information, please contact Rev. Edward Johnson via email: [email protected]