2016 Calendar of Activities

Please visit this page often as the dates, times, and location of the events listed are subject to change.


14- Executive Board Meeting 6:00pm @ Saint John Baptist Church

30- Pastors’ Breakfast 9:30am @ Central Baptist Church


13- Pastors’ Breakfast-Upper Region Presentation


12- Region 2 Fellowship Meeting @ Olive Branch Baptist Church

13- Upper Region Workshop @ Gethsemane Baptist Church- Blair-SC

14-15- Central and Lower Region Workshops @ First Calvary Baptist Church and the Pooling of Funds

Click here for a list of  Workshop Offerings and the Registration Form

19- Benedict Founder’s Day


28-Executive Board Meeting 6:00pm @ Saint John Baptist Church


1-5 -State Convention

13- Woman’s Auxiliary Banquet @ Brookland Banquet and Conference Center

21- Tax Training and Political Action Committee Training for Churches @ Saint John Baptist Church


24- Baptist Day 4:00pm LTBD


16-20- Annual Session @ Central Baptist Church