2016 March Training Workshops


Dean Baker and Moderator Graham

The Gethsemane Congress of Christian education is the educational arm of the Gethsemane Missionary Baptist Association.  The Congress is responsible for teaching and training classes covering every aspect of Christian Education. Various Pastors, Preachers, Christian Education Directors, and Christian Education Instructors within the Congress lend their voices and apply their talents and skills to the Christian discourse.

On March 13-15, 2016 the Gethsemane Congress of Christian Education held their annual March Training Workshops. This year’s curriculum included classes ranging from “Baptist Beliefs” to “How Social Media is Used to Assist in Worship”.  Each workshop was designed to challenge, enlighten and strengthen both Pastors and layman. Moderator Graham urged all participants to attend one of the many workshops available and return to their respective churches excited and energized to do God’s will.

Hosted by Dr. Norris Turner of Gethsemane Baptist Church in Blair, SC and Dr. Samuel K. Lewis of First Calvary Baptist Church in Columbia, SC the workshops were attended by an average of 250 people nightly.  Gethsemane Pastors and congregations from Lower, Upper and Central Regions were well represented throughout.